PestimonyA Visual Studio Code plugin to help to deal with PestPHP. Currently, directly in VSCode, it can help you to :
Available methodsAll methods are available via the Palette by searching 'Pestimony'. Run Pest TestsYou can run test by menu in Palette or directly in your tests files. When you choose to run the tests via the Palette, Pestimony offers you to choose the scope of tests to run : Run All TestsWill run every tests of your application. Run SuiteLet you choose the suite of test you want to run. Run Single TestRun tests on the file currently active in the editor. Nota : currently when tests are launched by Palette, their status don't appeat in source code. This is a bug, I'm working on. If you prefer, run tests directly in code : you can choose to :
If a test passed, it will be marked with ✅, if not it will be marked with ❌. Rerun only failed tests When one or more tests failed, you can rerun only failed tests: Generate Feature Test SkeletonThis command will generate for you a new test under the feature test folder. If folder does't exists, it will created for you. It asks you if you want to integrate refreshDatabase trait or not. It also asks you the name of the first test you want integrate in the file. Generate Unit Test SkeletonThis command will generate for you a new test under the unit folder test. If folder does't exists, it will created for you. Keyboard Shortcuts