Syntax Highlighting for Common Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) File Types
This VSCode extension provides file type support for several Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) file types.
File Types (Languages) Supported
- DiFX
input , calc , and im configuration files
- DiFX VEX to DiFX (V2D) configuration file
- Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System (HOPS) Configuration File (CF)
- NASA SKED session schedule file
- VLBI Analysis Centers file (
ac-codes.txt )
- VLBI Catalogs (for SKED and VieSched++)
- VLBI Correlator Report
- VLBI Experiment (VEX) session schedule file
- VLBI Master Schedule file
- VLBI Stations files (
ns-codes.txt , m.stations , and stations.m )
Installation and Maintinence
Just copy these files into ~/.vscode/extensions and restart Code.
git clone ~/.vscode/extensions/vlbi
(cd ~/.vscode/extensions/vlbi && git fetch && git pull)
rm -rf ~/.vscode/extensions/vlbi
Known Issues
- VLBI Correlator Report
- The first column of a table header may be syntax highlighted as a key name
(e.g. from a dictionary section) if it starts with a capital leter
- The
FRINGING_CONFIG_FILE section will always try to syntax highlight
as a HOPS CF file, even if it is a different fringing config format
- The
CORRELATION_CONFIG_FILE section will always try to syntax highlight
as a DiFX V2D file, even if it is a different correlation config format
- NASA SKED session schedule file
- Keywords are far from exhaustive, and there are probably many missing
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