Basic Pact Snippets
A collection of Pact snippets and commands.
Snippet |
Renders |
defun |
Create a function |
module |
Create a module |
defschema |
Create a schema |
deftable |
Create a table |
pacthello |
Generate an example of hello |
define-keyset |
Create a basic define-keyset template |
enforce-keyset |
Create a basic enforce-keyset template |
read-keyset |
Create a basic read-keyset template |
keys-2 |
Create a keys-2 template |
keys-all |
Create a keys-all template |
keys-any |
Create a keys-any template |
emit-event |
Create a emit-event template |
enforce-guard |
Create a enforce-guard template |
install-capability |
Create a basic install-capability template |
with-capability |
Create a basic install-capability template |
Full Expansions
defun - Create a function
(defun | (|)
@doc " | "
module - Create a module
(module | '|
@doc " | "
defschema - Create a schema
@doc " "
deftable - Create a table
(deftable foo:{bar})
pacthello - Generate an example of hello
(namespace "free")
;; Create an 'admin-keyset' and add some key, for loading this contract!
;; Make sure the message is signed with this added key as well.
;; When deploying new contracts, ensure to use a *unique keyset name*
;; and *unique module name* from any previously deployed contract
;; Keysets cannot be created in code, thus we read them in
;; from the load message data.
(define-keyset "free.admin-keyset" (read-keyset "admin-keyset"))
;; Define the module. The module name must be unique
(module hello-world GOV
"A smart contract to greet the world."
;; Define module governance function
(defcap GOV ()
(enforce-keyset "free.admin-keyset"))
(defun hello (name:string)
"Do the hello-world dance"
(format "Hello {}!" [name]))
;; and say hello!
(hello "world")
define-keyset - Create a basic define-keyset template
(define-keyset '|foo-keyset (read-keyset "|bar"))
enforce-keyset - Create a basic enforce-keyset template
(enforce-keyset '|foo-keyset)
read-keyset - Create a basic read-keyset template
(read-keyset "|foo-keyset")
keys-2 - Create a basic keys-2 template
(keys-2 |3 |1)
keys-any - Create a basic keys-any template
(keys-any |10 |1)
keys-all - Create a basic keys-all template
(keys-all |3 |3)
emit-event - Create a basic emit-event template
(emit-event (TRANSFER "|Bob" "|Alice" |12.0))
enforce-guard - Create a basic enforce-guard template
(enforce-guard |row-guard)
install-capability - Create a basic install-capability template
(install-capability (PAY "|alice" "|bob" |10.0))
with-capability - Create a basic with-capability template
(with-capability (|UPDATE-USERS |id) (|update users id { salary: new-salary }))