This LSP Protocol client provides the the following language features for grain (.gr) files:
Show compilation warnings and errors
Code lenses
Hover support
Running the extension
Run npm ci in this folder.
Open VSCode inside this folder.
Switch to the "Run and Debug" pane.
Select "Launch Extension" from the drop down.
Press the ▶️ button next to "Launch Extension", which will start a TypeScript watcher and launch a new VSCode instance titled [Extension Development Host].
The Grain CLI needs to be on your path. If not, set the cliPath setting inside the [Extension Development Host] instance to the location of your Grain CLI.
In the [Extension Development Host] instance of VSCode, open a document in 'grain' language mode.
After a code change, you'll likely need to trigger a "Developer: Reload Window" action in the [Extension Development Host] instance before the extension will pick up the changes.
Useful files
package.json - this is the manifest file in which you declare your language support and define
the location of the grammar file that has been copied into your extension.
syntaxes/grain.tmLanguage.json - this is the Text mate grammar file that is used for tokenization.
language-configuration.json - this the language configuration, defining the tokens that are used for
comments and brackets.