Gemini Code Assist - Your AI assistant powered by Gemini 2.0
Bring the power of Gemini 2.0 to help you build applications faster and easier
than ever before.
Key Features
Coding assistance powered by Gemini 2.0.
Contextualized responses to your prompts to help guide you on what you're
trying to do with your code.
Source citations regarding which documentation and code samples the
assistant used to generate its responses.
Automated code reviews in GitHub with Gemini Code Assist for GitHub.
Also available in Firebase, Android Studio, VS Code, IntelliJ, Google Cloud
Databases, BigQuery, Apigee, and more.
Through a natural language chat interface, you can quickly chat with Gemini
Code Assist to get answers to cloud questions, or receive guidance on best
Whether you are writing apps, calling APIs, or querying data, Gemini Code
Assist can help complete your code while you write, or generate code blocks
based on comments.
Gemini Code Assist can help you both generate code (including sharing
citations) as well as debug code to get your app up and running in no time.
As you write functions and applications, Gemini Code Assist can also help
you generate unit tests to help you make your code more robust and increase
your test coverage, thereby reducing the risk of failures in production.
Gemini Code Assist can help you with development practices across most
popular languages. In all Gemini Code Assist supports 20+ languages
including C, C++, C#, Go, Python, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, TypeScript just
to name a few.
Gemini Code Assist also supports code infrastructure interfaces including
gCloud CLI, KRM and Terraform making it easy for you to interact with
various infrastructure layers.