gmThis is the gm extension written for VS code. Click here to the wiki of tutorials. Warning: I'll rewrite the tutorial later, which will be totally different from Giacomo Zheng 作者:郑仁鹏 email: Github username: GiacomoZheng Featuresgm is a language basing on my writing habits of mathematics, with lots of special symbols, which looks like this one. (with the extension It is much more like mathemtics than a programming lauguage indeed. Extension SettingsIt is better to add some settings (in settings) into RequirementsNone If it is possible, the Windows' users can try to learn something about AutoHotKey, which helps a lot. Here is my source file. For the Mac's and Linus' users, I'm sorry but you can try other hotkey apps. Recommendationbracket-pair-colorizer-2 is a beautiful and powerful extension and it support all languages. You can directly use it after intalling. Better Comments is a useful extension, but it (2.0.2) doesn't support gm directly. In the latest version of Release NotesGo to Changelog for details. |