With this extension you can control trigger vscode commands using OSC. This make it possible to create a touch bar like interface for vscode that can change based on the current language of the file.
Send vscode Events to OSC software
Trigger commands using OSC
VSCode Events
Trigger commands using OSC
Every command in vscode looks something like this using dot notation: workbench.action.moveEditorToNextGroup
You can translate that to a OSC message by prefixing the command with a / and replace every . with a /
So that would be /workbench/action/moveEditorToNextGroup
OSC software like Open Stage Control or any other OSC software
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
vscosc.clientPort: This is the port where VSCOSC will send events to.
vscosc.clientHost: This is the host where VSCOSC will send events to.
vscosc.serverPort: This is the port where your OSC software needs to send commands