GapStyle VS - Being Productive Beyond Your Status Quo.
The world-first* productivity-oriented color scheme for intelliJ, VSCode to fill the gap between programming languages
and human.
GapStyle is a world-first* productivity-oriented and semantic-highlighting-driven designed color
scheme that each supported language is tailored with
rich colors while maintaining a comfortable contrast to help developers boost reading
and writing speed in different programming languages.
* world-first color scheme uses []( affinity
design to boost developers' productivity by representing semantically similar syntax), i.e. class, abstract class, and
interface in Kotlin, Java, Scala, etc. See
GapStyle Specification
- Optimize languages' color schemes to boost reading and writing speed on different languages. (Especially the language
you are not familiar)
- Quickly learn similar syntax with a universal designed color across different languages
- Spot errors before program execution
Actively Maintain Language
Supported Language |
VSCode (Semantic Highlight) |
Javascript, Typescript, C/C++, Java, Python |
VSCode (Standard Syntax Highlight) |
Rust, Ruby, Dart, Go, PHP, Kotlin, Swift, Scala, Erlang, Elixir,GraphQL, HTML, XML, JSX, CSS/SCSS/SASS, YAML, TOML, SQL, Protobuf, Properties, Shell, Angular, Vue.js |
IntelliJ |
Kotlin, Java, Swift, Dart, Rust, Scala, Javascript, Typescript, Go, Python, R, Android Logcat, Android Native (C / C++), Objective-C, SQL, HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Elixir |
Enable Semantic Highlighting
- Command + Shift + P
- Search
settings.json & Open
- Paste the follow config
"workbench.colorTheme": "GapStyle VS",
"editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations.enabled": true,
Recommended Font
- Install the recommended font into your system (i.e. Hack JBM Ligatured CCG)
- Command + Shift + P
- Search
settings.json & Open
- Paste the follow config
VSCode Editor Config (Full config)
"workbench.colorTheme": "GapStyle VS",
"editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations.enabled": true,
"editor.fontFamily": "'Hack JBM Ligatured CCG', 'Hack', Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace",
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
Explore GapStyle On IntelliJ IDE
| |