A visual studio code extension that allows the insertion of unicode symbols from the latex names of those symbols. This extension is developed based on studykit/unicode-latex, which itself is a fork of ojsheikh/unicode-latex.
The list of symbols is currently generated from the Julia programming language's REPL's latex completions (see the symbol list here).
Completions are triggered on backslack '\'. For example, type \alpha , an autocompletion will pop up.
Supported document types are specified in extension.ts, which currently include
const selector: vscode.DocumentSelector = [
'plaintext', 'markdown', 'coq', 'python', 'java', 'haskell',
'sml', 'ocaml', 'rmd', 'r', 'txt', 'typescript', 'html', 'yaml', 'javascript',
'groovy', 'go', 'clojure', 'fsharp', 'asciidoc', 'c', 'cpp', 'toml', 'json', 'textile',
'csv', 'csharp', 'ini', 'jsonc', 'objective-c', 'markdown', 'xml'
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