Simplify working on python monorepos that use pyenv.
What does it do?
Automatically select the python interpreter when you open a file
Automatically picks the right interpreter when you're debugging a project (it performs the same search than it does to figure out the right one when opening the file: it looks at the program key of the debug configuration and if that's missing, it uses the cwd key).
Adds a command to the palette so that you can set pytest to use the tests of the current active project (better results are achieved by setting the testpaths on the [tool.pytest.ini_options] section of pyproject.toml)
When is this useful?
If you use pyenv to manage you virtual environments
If you use poetry to manage your dependencies
If you use pytest to manage your tests
Can you support my specific use case?
I don't mind reviewing a PR adding more scenarios as long as they don't break mine :)