fxpw-ai-chat README
FeaturesMore things whit openai Release Notes1.0.40-1.1.47add auto create commit feature whit api vscode.git 1.0.15- editor to input and save inputed text 1.0.28-1.0.34add new gpt, update settings icon 1.0.18-1.0.28add new gpt 1.0.15-1.0.17add command to delete chats, fix bug whit openai error block 1.0.8-1.0.14imporove autobuild and logic for chats 1.0.7add command from rmb, imporove logic for delete button 1.0.5-1.0.6improve logic for send to many chats, add more styles 1.0.2-1.0.4cleanup 1.0.1add logic for save chat data and reuse it in chats 0.0.10change styles 0.0.9fix logic 0.0.8fix params 0.0.1-0.0.7Init and test things |