Crowdfinding Logviewer, is used for display and parsing Nokia Product's Syslog
Color or highlight Syslog's text
Parsing syslog, generate analysis tree view
Click analysis tree view and then go to line on syslog editor
Locate a line on syslog editor and locate in analysis tree view, by right button menu or CTRL+j
Filter log into new file
vscode 1.54.0
Extension Settings
Known Issues
Large Syslog File (>50M) can not activate this extension automatically, due to Vscode inner protect mechanism
User need to do a "Save As" operation to walkaround
If syslog color theme doesn't take effect, user can select "Nokia Syslog" theme in settings
Release Notes
Color and highlight Syslog
Do analysis on Syslog file
Filter function
Improve filter and analysis functionality
Line Jump