Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a widely used IDE tool. Please load and install the corresponding version according to your environment.
Note: Please be an administrator on Windows
CodeCraft mainly compiles burnings of MucoOS projects and compilation packages. Find and complete the installation in the VS Code extension. Installation will take several minutes. Please be patient. Restart VS Code after the installation is complete.
Create project
Development and Debugging
You need to connect the device to the computer using USB and the power red light will be on.
Click on the function provided by VS Code to connect.
Stellar:Show Workbench: Open the CodeCraft workbench page.
Stellar:Show Create Project Page: Open the Create Project page.
Stellar:Open Project: The user is free to open the specified project.
Stellar:Select Project Folder: Click on the project in the nearest project from the CodeCraft workbench and use vscode to quickly open it in the Explorer.
Stellar:Select Device: Scan the serial port of this machine, retrieve the development board device, when only one development board device is connected, quickly select the device that is currently being debugged for development. If there are more than one device connection, the device list will be displayed for users to select.
Stellar:Check Dependence: Retrieves native installation dependency tools and automatically downloads and installs them if no dependent tools are installed on the machine to help users solve problems with the environment during development.
Stellar:clean project: Clean up the package generated.Package file.
Stellar:Build Project: Package a project written by the current user and generate a corresponding.Package file to the bin directory based on the user-controlled version number.
Stellar:Flash Project: Burn the.Package file to the development board device.
Stellar:Device Console: Open the console of the development board if the user needs to connect the development board to the local machine.