VSCode C/C++ Config
Creates config files with pre-defined settings for modern C/C++ projects.
The following file will be created in the local .vscode folder, this might override the already present file:
- settings.json: Best default settings for C/C++, CMake etc. extensions
The following files will be created in the root directory, if they are not yet present*:
- .clang-format: Configuration for the formatting tool
- .clang-tidy: Configuration for the static linting tool
- .editorconfig: Standard editor settings (line-feed, insert new-line, etc.)
- .gitattributes: Gives attributes to pathnames
- .gitingore: Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
The following files will be created when the root dir contains a CMakeLists.txt, if they are not yet present*:
- .pre-commit-config.yaml
- .cmake-format.yaml
- tools/run-clang-format.py
- tools/run-clang-tidy.py
- .github/workflows/documentation.yaml
- .github/workflows/macos.yaml
- .github/workflows/pre-commit.yaml
- .github/workflows/ubuntu.yaml
- .github/workflows/windows.yaml
(*) If you still want to have them overridden, just delete them beforehand and execute the generate config files command again.
How to use
Just run the command:
- 'Generate C Config Files'
- 'Generate C++ Config Files'
in VSCode's command palette (F1).
- ⚙️ Line Length: Max. line length for the clang format tool (defaults to 120, Global Setting)
- ⚙️ Aggressive Settings: If auto formatting should be turned on (defaults to false, Global Setting)
Release Notes
Refer to the CHANGELOG.
Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Jan Schaffranek.
Licensed under the MIT License.
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