Pollux Programming Language VSCode-Extension
- declarations: unit, let, mut, fun, type, unittest
- primitives: void, bool, i32, u32, i64, u64, f32, f64, str
- references: shared, unique, unsafe
- scope: scope, enum, class, trait, annot, coroutine, contract
- conditional: if, match
- interruption: break, continue, pass, goto, suspend
- repeat: loop, for
- init: null, true, false
- compiler annotations: @extern, @lateinit
- Simple string " ". e.g. "Hello World!"
- Used as brackets: { }, [ ], ( ), < >
- That are auto closed when typing: { }, [ ], ( ), < >, " ", ' ', #/ /#
- That that can be used to surround a selection: { }, [ ], ( ), < >, " ", ' ', #/ /#
- Single line comment: # text
- Multiline comment: #/ text /#
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