fontkeren READMEFont Keren FeaturesḊëṡċṛïḅë ṡṗëċïḟïċ ḟëäẗüṛëṡ öḟ ÿöüṛ ëẍẗëṅṡïöṅ ïṅċḷüḋïṅġ ṡċṛëëṅṡḧöẗṡ öḟ ÿöüṛ ëẍẗëṅṡïöṅ ïṅ äċẗïöṅ. Їṁäġë ṗäẗḧṡ äṛë ṛëḷäẗïṿë ẗö ẗḧïṡ ṚЁÄḊṀЁ ḟïḷë. Föṛ ëẍäṁṗḷë ïḟ ẗḧëṛë ïṡ äṅ ïṁäġë ṡüḅḟöḷḋëṛ üṅḋëṛ ÿöüṛ ëẍẗëṅṡïöṅ ṗṛöjëċẗ ẅöṛḳṡṗäċë: ![feature X](images/feature-x.png)
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Known IssuesCalling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension. Release NotesUsers appreciate release notes as you update your extension. 0.0.1Initial release of extension 0.0.2Bug fixes in icon and commands 0.0.3video addition Working with MarkdownYou can author your README using Visual Studio Code. Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:
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