TortoiseSVN is only available on Windows.
Therefore this extension will NOT WORK on linux and MacOS.
This extension provides commands for various Tortoise SVN actions (see list below) for the
current active file or a folder in the explorer by right-clicking on it.
Available Commands
vstortoise.svnLog : Open log for the current active file
vstortoise.svnDiff : Open diff for the current active file
vstortoise.svnRevert : Open revert for the current active file
vstortoise.svnBlame : Open blame for the current active file
vstortoise.svnCommit : Open commit for the current active file
vstortoise.svnUpdate : Open update for the current active file
Default Keybindings
alt + shift + l : Log
alt + shift + c : Commit
alt + shift + d : Diff
alt + shift + r : Revert
alt + shift + u : Update
Tortoise-Proc.exe must be accessible. This can be done by putting TortoiseSVN/bin directory in your system or user %PATH% or
by specifying the directory in extension settings.
Add configuration to set TortoiseSVN path
minor refactoring
minor bugfixes
Change keybindings value du tu conflict with default keybindings
Add context and explorer menu for all commands (works with insiders build !)