AnyFX linting and syntax highlighting for Visual Studio Code
Adds linting and syntax highlighting for AnyFX files to Visual Studio Code.
Make sure you set the anyfx.anyfxCompilerPath setting to a valid compiler.
anyfx.anyfxCompilerPath : The path to the anyfx compiler executable
anyfx.anyfxCompilerArgs : Additional arguments for the anyfx compiler executable
anyfx.additionalIncludes : Additional include directories when compiling and linting shaders
anyfx.requireSaveToLint : By default, linting will occur with every text change. Enable this option to only lint when you save the file.
anyfx.additionalFileExtensions : Additional file extensions which should be considered as AnyFX files.
Workspace properties
The linter will look for anyfx_properties.json in the .vscode folder in your workspace root.
Supported properties:
includeDirs : [paths] - An array of include paths to pass to the compiler.
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