Right click on a .ts, .tsx, or .rb file and it will run hard-coded commands for those files. This saves time typing out those same commands.
File types:
Must be used with the private Yesler repo from the root directory or the /client directory.
Extension Settings
There are no extension settings yet.
Known Issues
There are no known issues yet.
Release Notes
Adds "🧪 Run Test + 📸 Update Snapshot" command for front end files
Adds front end commands to editor/context menu
Change from npm to yarn for front end commands
Add ability to right-click a .rb file to run specific tests
Prototype version, everything is hard-coded
Contributing to this project
To do development work on this script, follow the below steps (assumes you use VS code to develop):
Clone this repo into a separate folder
Open that folder in VS code (we'll call this window #1)
Press F5
Go to the freshly opened VS Code instance (we'll call this window #2), go to File --> Open Folder, navigate to and select the main folder you'll be doing your development in (i.e. the yesler/ root folder or yesler/client)
Make sure the extension is working by right clicking on a .tsx or .rb or other supported file type and running the extension.
Make your changes. These will probably be in src/extension.ts and package.json
To reload these changes press the green refresh button on the floating control wizard of window #1
Manually test locally to ensure your changes are working
Publish your changes (Read the Go further section about publishing or visit here to learn about publishing. Personally I could never get auto-deploy working, so I have always manually uploaded a locally generated .vsix file.)
Update the release notes
Update the version number
Ensure your extension is published by downloading and installing it
Update this document
Push your changes to this repo
For more info:
Find and read the file vsc-extension-quickstart.md in the root of this repo or explore the docs
Following extension guidelines
Ensure that you've read through the extensions guidelines and follow the best practices for creating your extension.