Fission Live from VSCodeFission Live lets you instantly update files, directories and obviously websites directly to IPFS and serve them anywhere. This lets us all quickly collaborate on projects, instantly share files from the CLI all in a way that's open by default, fast and available across the planet. FeaturesFission UpPush a your project or an individual folder or file to IPFS and share it easily using a fission domain. E.g. ``Fission WatchThe same as fission up, however we keep an eye on your local changes and up date your fission site to always point at your latest version. Fission RegisterWe issue you a username and password and create a Fission Login_Login to an existing account RequirementsFission is your toolkit for easily interfacing with IPFS. To get started, you'll need to install IPFS as well as the Fission CLI tool. Installing IPFSWe recommend the ipfs-desktop client especially if you are new to IPFS. You can drag and drop files, browse your local IPFS files visually, and even integrate a shortcut for taking screenshots and auto-uploading them to IPFS. The IPFS daemon starts automatically when you run the desktop. If you're on Mac with Homebrew, the simple one-liner for installing ipfs is:
To start the local IPFS daemon:
Check the Fission Installation Guide for extended instructions for all platforms. Installing FissionMacOS
Linux / Windows Subsystem
That's it! Double check that it's installed correctly:
Known IssuesUnfortunately you will not be able to run fission commands if the current editor is not a text editor. This could be images or binary files. |