This is a simple utility used to make inserting UUIDs, also known as GUIDs, faster by providing a keyboard shortcut. It generates UUIDs using the uuid library.
There are three commands exposed by this extension.
Set UUID namespace -> If you are using a UUID version which takes a namespace, you must first set the namespace using this command. This namespace will persist until it is changed again using the same command.
Set UUID type -> The version of UUID you want to generate. The uuid library has great information on the different versions. This value will also persist until changed.
Generate UUID (cmd+k cmd+g, ctl+k ctl+g) -> Generates the actual UUID and puts it where the cursor is currently is. If a version of UUID that needs a "name" value is selected, this command will prompt for a "name" value.
No requirements.
Extension Settings
Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration extension point.
For example:
This extension contributes the following settings:
generateUuid.namespace: used to store the namespace you want you UUIDs to use. Set by the command Set UUID namespace
generateUuid.uuidType: used to store the version of UUID you want the Generate UUID command to create
Known Issues
None yet, but I am sure they are hiding ready to be reported.