A Cortana Diagnostic Helper
Cortlog is a plugin to format the Cortana diagnostic logs collected in Teams iOS & Android client.
(Unfortunately, vscode only supports images in README coming from a repository. So you cannot see the preview(demo.gif) which should have been shown here.)
- For IOS
This extension transform IOS status code of cortana to corresponding status name. What's more, it remove some redundant information and re-arrange the logs.
2019-11-06T14:36:39.857Z [E]Cortana: serviceTag: e8946ffe93d14abeb88d60299a61066a requestId: F495E8FF604D4072FB951051DD8B3721 CortanaConversationDelegate.swift: onError(_:) 33: onError: code: Optional(6) domain: Optional("MSAI_ERROR") AXPSwiftLogging:20
2019-11-06T14:36:39.857Z [E]Cortana: onError: code: NotOnline domain: Optional("MSAI_ERROR") CortanaConversationDelegate.swift:onError(_:)33: serviceTag: e8946ffe93d14abeb88d60299a61066a requestId: F495E8FF604D4072FB951051DD8B3721
- For Android
This extension transform Android status code of cortana to corresponding status name.
onStateChanged: 1 reason: 0
=> onStateChanged: Idle reason: None
onError: error: 209
Install the latest Visual Studio Code.
Installation & Usage
Install from a VSIX
In the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P
or Cmd+Shift+P
on Mac), you can run: Extensions: Install from VSIX...
, and then choose the corresponding .vsix file you want to install.
Install from marketplace
Clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code or press Ctrl+Shift+X
and search CortanaDiagnosticHelper, then you can install this extension.
Quick start
To make better use of Cortlog, first you'd better setting Search view from siedebar to panel, which is in the panel area for more horizontal space, by following steps:
- Use the following VS Code menu command:
File > Preferences > Settings
- Search key words:
Search: Location
, and configure this as pannel
To activate this extention, you can run Cortlog: Format Log
in vscode command palette, which would format the log file opened in vscode. Once the log file has been formatted, you can scan and analyze log information more effeciently combining with the Search function of vscode.
Entering the folder of the corresponding version, and performing the following steps:
- Install NodeJS@12.14.1 LTS
- Install Yarn@1.21.1 Stable
- Install the TypeScript compiler:
yarn global add typescript
- Install all modules listed as dependencies in package.json:
yarn install
You can transpile TypeScript into JavaScript by following command: yarn build
Our main function code is in src/extension.ts, and you should use this command to re-build TypeScript into corresponding Javascript when you rewrite code.
- Press
to open a new window with your extension loaded.
- Run your command from the command palette by pressing (
or Cmd+Shift+P
on Mac) and typing Cortlog: Format Log
- Set breakpoints in your code inside src/extension.ts to debug your extension.
- Find output from your extension in the debug console.
- Install vsce:
npm install -g vsce
- Run command:
yarn package
to generate a .vsix package file which can be installed as vscode extension.
Someone who wants to build or publish their own version can also refer to the official ducument(a, b).
Release Notes
- Include life cycle events
- Feature: Integrating Android version into original IOS version.
- Migrating to yarn from npm
- Update project documentation and format code
- Add statuscode.ts file and update status code for Android version
- Remove redundant files
- Add support for latest iOS Teams