This is the fal-serverless extension for Visual Studio Code. It provides a better developer experience for fal-serverless developers by managing @isolated environments automatically so VS Code can resolve modules.
Auto create and manage virtual environments for the fal-serverless @isolated functions.
Allows you to run the fal-serverless @isolated functions in the cloud with a click.
Known limitations and issues
A system Python and virtualenv needs to be available.
Python environment is not restored when a file with no isolated functions is opened.
Functions with arguments are not supported yet when running from the editor.
Coming soon
Run functions with arguments.
Schedule @isolated functions from the editor.
Run @isolated functions locally with a click.
Serve (i.e. create a web endpoint) for @isolated functions with a click.
Before vs After
- Modules not resolved in editor
- Modules resolved automatically
- No built-in mechanism to run
- One-click run
This extension depends on the official Python extension. It does not modify the Python behavior but it relies on existing functionality to provide fal-serverless support to Python developers.
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