vscode-eclipse-pydev-windows-keymap README
The idea behind the keybindings is making it as similar as possible to Eclipse on Windows with some customizations from PyDev.
-- Note that the bindings used are the ones from Eclipse on Windows even on different platforms.
Keyboard shortcuts notes:
Keyboard shortcuts defined here try to follow Eclipse/PyDev on Windows as close as possible, however, some differences are noted because some actions may not have an exact match.
Open File: usually unbound on Eclipse, set to Ctrl+Alt+O
Save As: usually unbound on Eclipse, set to Ctrl+Alt+S
There's no differentiation between a simple find and a find/replace in eclipse, so, accelerators after the find is available are bound.
I.e.: Ctrl+F opens find window and then:
- Alt+E goes to replace
- Alt+R goes to replace (actually differs from Eclipse, but there's no replace without going to next in VsCode)
- Alt+N finds next
- Alt+D replaces and goes to next
- Alt+A replaces all
Shift+Alt+A cannot be used to rectangular selection because VsCode doesn't really have a start/begin mode for rectangular select and it's not possible to do "shift+alt+a+down" as a single command, as that'd be 2 keystrokes (so, it was kept as the default "ctrl+shift+alt+arrow keys).
Conflicts with Visual Studio Code
This extension tries to go with the Eclipse/PyDev keybindings when there's any conflict, so, a number of keys from VSCode may no longer be available.
For instance:
- Ctrl+K: this works as a find for Eclipse and is actually a qualifier for many other bindings in VSCode. Some are lost and some have been rebinded to the Eclipse flavor.
i.e.: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K to open keybindings is Ctrl+Shift+L, Ctrl+Shift+L in Eclipse.
Release Notes
See CHANGELOG.md for information on releases.
For any changes, just submit a pull request.
For releasing, increase version number and use vsce package
to create .vsix and test locally
and then use vsce publish
to publish it
(see https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/publish-extension for more info).