Evaluate multiple selections as javascript expressions and replace them with their values.
Evaluates javascript expressions.
All functions and objects provided by the Math object are globals in eval.
Use $prev to use the value of the previously evaluated expression.
Use $s{n} to use the value of the the previously evaluated expression #n (0-based)
Extra Functions
hex(number, padTo = 0, padChar = 0) -- Convert number to hexadecimal.
bin(number, padTo = 0, padChar = 0) -- Convert number to binary.
oct(number, padTo = 0, padChar = 0) -- Convert number to octal.
itoa(number, radix, padTo = 0, padChar = 0) -- Convert a decimal number to another radix.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
eval.evalSelectionsByPosition: If this is true, eval will evaluate expressions in order of their positions instead of the order they were created in. This is on by default.
Release Notes
Initial release of Eval
Changed the way that selections are evaluated and other minor changes.