This plugin allows you to add a small configurable comment to your current line, using a combination of date/time, (partial) branch name and/or username, allowing for quick Todo/fixme/issue-tracking comments without having to look up the current date, feature or reference number.
Configuration parameters
Open the user settings and navigate to the Developer Comment Extension section
Here, the following parameters can be set/adjusted:
- Comment Format: the format for the whole comment, as defined in the example below.
- User: the username that will be used when the {user}-keyword is used.
- Date Format: the dateformat that will be used when {date} is called. Please refer to the dateFns documentation for valid formats.
- Partial Branch: A regular expression that will be used when {partialBranch} is defined. It extracts the given expression result from the active branch.
Move To End: If this is enabled, the comment will not insert at the cursor, but at the end of the line, if it is not empty.
- Additional Formats: define comment symbols for additional languages, further explained in "supported filetypes"
Without the configuration, the regular comment-format will be as follows:
// 19700101:
- "partialBranch": "LS-\d{4,5}",
- "user": "ES",
- "dateFormat": "YYYYMMDD",
- "commentFormat": "{date}: {user}: {partialBranch} - "
The commentformat as given in the example settings:
// 19700101: ES: LS-0000 -
- partialBranch contains the data you want to retrieve from branchnames. Configured as a regular expression.
- the user defines the initials or the username.
- dateformat is parsed by date-fns ( Date FNS documentation)
- the commentformat parses the other parameters, as well as plain text.
- {date}, {user}, {branch} and {identifier} are supported, where {identifier} gets the partialBranch-information.
Supported filetypes
Currently the following languages/fileformats are supported out of the box:
- Javascript
- Typescript
- C#
Adding support for new filetypes can be done as follows:
- Open the user settings and navigate to the Developer Comment Extension section
- The "Additional filetypes"-section contains a link to open the JSON-file.
- Add the line "devComment.additionalFormats", this should trigger an example-implementation, which can be adjusted or expanded upon.
The formats are defined as an array with the following structure for the items:
{ "languageId": "php", "commentSymbol":"#"}
Where languageId is the Id for the language as defined by VS Code (VS Code language identifiers)
Either open the command palette and select "Add Dev Comment" or use the combination "Shift + Alt + D", this will add a comment to the current selected line.