Display HTML for simple search form layout with icon
Display HTML for simple subscribe form layout
Display HTML for simple text with icon
Display HTML for footer column with links
Display HTML for common layout image title & description
Insert Slick CSS
Using favicon HTML
Insert ionicons
Insert slick slider scripts
Insert fontawesome icons
Table of CSS snippets 🧑💻
| Prefix | Code |
| -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| h-screen | Height 100vh |
| w-screen | Width 100vw |
| min-h-screen | Min height 100vh |
| get-shadow1->5 | 5 types of beautiful box-shadow from getcssscan(get-shadow1, get-shadow2, get-shadow3, get-shadow4, get-shadow5) |
| center-block | Center with display block |
| center-inline | Center with display inline-block |
| flex-center | Center thing with flexbox |
| flex-centerc | Center flexbox column direction |
| flex-image | Using for image when make layout row direction with flexbox |
| flex-col | Flex direction column |
| facenter | Flexbox align-items: center |
| grid-center | Center with css grid |
| abs-center | Center top and left with position absolute |
| abs-centerx | Center left with absolute |
| abs-centery | Center top with absolute |
| abs-full | Position absolute full base on parent |
| fixed-full | Position fixed full |
| abs-top-left | Position absolute top left |
| abs-top-right | Position absolute top right |
| abs-bottom-left | Position absolute bottom left |
| abs-bottom-right | Position absolute bottom left |
| abs-full-width | Position absolute full width |
| abs-full-height | Position absolute full height |
| abs-dropdown | Using when you make dropdown list absolute or dropdown menu when parent have position property |
| text-truncate | Text overflow multiple lines with three dots... |
| text-single | Text overflow single line with threed dots... | |text-style | Useful css for text | |text-gradient | Create text gradient | |flex-layout | Useful when making flexbox layout column | |grid-layout | Another way to making layout fast with css grid | |ohidden | Overflow hidden | |xhidden | Overflow x hidden | |yhidden | Overflow y hidden | |xauto | Overflow x auto | |yauto | Overflow y auto | |uppercase | Text transform to UPPERCASE | |lowercase | Text transform to lowercase | |capitalize | Text transform to Capitalize | |bold | Make text bold | |italic | Make text italic | |@1279 | Media screen and max width 1279px | |@1023 | Media screen and max width 1023px | |@767 | Media screen and max width 767px | |@768 | Media screen and min width 768px | |@1024 | Media screen and min width 1024px | |@1280 | Media screen and min width 1280px | |css-reset | Some useful css reset code when you start coding css | |scrollbar-hidden | Just hide scrollbar | |input-hide-spinner| Hide input spin with input[type="number"] | |input-placeholder | Change input placeholder color | |input-caret-color | Change input caret color | |img-responsive | Responsive image by ratio | |img-cover | Image cover full | |grid-scroll-snap | Apply css scroll snap useful when making simple slider with only css | |@max-w | Media query for max-width | |@min-w | Media query for min-width | |modal-style | CSS for common modal | |css-hide | Hide element to use transition effect later with css-show | |css-show | Show element when using css-hide before | |linear-gradient | CSS background linear gradient | |@supports | Support rule in css for properties did not support for most browsers | |@keyframes | Keyframes animation | |scrollbar-style | Custom scrollbar style | |square | Create fast square | |rect | Create fast rectangle | |circle | Create fast circle | |wfull | Make width full 100% | |hfull | Make height full 100% | |sfull | Make width and height full 100% | |tap-highlight | Remove tap highlight color | |@hover | Media query for hover | |@light-mode | Media query for light mode | |@dark-mode | Media query for dark mode | |@reduce-animation | Media query for reduce animation | |text-smooth | Make text smooth | |scroll-smooth | Make scroll smooth | |overscroll-y | Using overscroll vertical | |overscroll-x | Using overscroll horizontal | |text-stroke | Text stroke styles | |hyphen-auto | Hyphens auto | |break-word | Break word for long word | |break-all | Break all for long word | |ratio-number | Using aspect-ratio | |ratio-calc | Using ratio with padding hacks | |ratio-video | Using ratio with 16/9 | |ratio-square | Using ratio with 1/1 | |bg-cover | Background size cover | |object-cover | Using object-fit: cover | |object-fill | Using object-fit: fill | |w-min | Width min-content | |w-max | Width max-content | |w-fit | Width fit-content | |mx-auto | Center with margin | |shrink0 | Using flex-shrink: 0 | |border-none | Make border none | |outline-none | Make outline none | |leading- | Common line-height | |text- | Text align | |pointer | Cursor pointer | |pointer-none | Pointer events none | |pointer-none` | Pointer events none |