Feel free to make a pull request to fix one of the limitations. Ideally, open an issue to let me know you're working on it and close the issue with your commit/PR. Thanks :)
not a single test has been written yet
[x] ~~add unit tests~~
[ ] add integration tests
only matches to /\.spec$/
[ ] should be made configurable - currently being worked on by @etiennedi in issue #1
shows an error when file does not exist
[ ] the extension should create the file
opens the new new file in the same place as the old file
[ ] optional support for split view would be nice
there is no aweseome gif showcasing the extension
[ ] add an awesome gif ;)
code file and test file must be in the same folder
[ ] not sure yet, probably needs a config for src and test folder and files must then have the same path. Open for ideas.