Exponentiate your developer workflow using ChatGPT seamlessly integrated into VSCode.
Public beta lasts until 4/17/2023. Here is a free api key.
This API key will expire on 4/17/2023.
Email me to register for a new key (ethan@ethanmrettinger.dev)
Features 🔥
Capabilities 🚀
✅ Make files with code in them
✅ Create a project structure
✅ Run commands, files and programs automatically
✅ Create a workspace
✅ Works in any language (But you MUST be specific!)
✅ Can see the file names of all files in your workspace (excluding node_modules because it is too large)
Limitation ⚠️
❌ It can not view code in any of your files
❌ It can only write so much text in files in one prompt
❌ It has a tendency to reject prompts, even if they are good. Try to word it a little differently and be more verbose.
❌ It can not work with files outside of the workspace
❌ It has a tendency to reject prompts not JavaScript or C related due to the pre-prompt included in the code. This just means be more verbose and it will likely work.
❌ Prompt max length can be reached if you have a very large workspace. This is being fixed.
Examples 📒
Smart File Generation 📂
Workspace Context 🧠
Instantly Complete Tedious Tasks 😴
Workflow Enhancer ⏩
Installation 📦
Visual Studio Code
Search vscode-gpt-automate in the Extensions marketplace
Click Install
Navigate to settings, and under Extensions > GPT Automate (or search vscode-gpt-automate), set your API key.
Reload VSCode if necessary
Neovim (Not yet ready)
Install pynvim: pip install pynvim
Create a folder inside ~/.config/nvim/plugged called gpt-automate-nvim (On windows, it's ~\AppData\Local\nvim-data\plugged)
Import nvim-plugin/gpt-automate.py into ~/.config/nvim/plugged/gpt-automate-nvim
Enter this line between plug#begin() and plug#end() in your init.vim file:
Plug 'Plug '~/gpt-automate-nvim'
Set your API key in init.vim
let g:vscode_gpt_automate_api_key = "<your_api_key_here>"
Run :source $MYVIMRC to reload your init.vim file
Run :PlugInstall to install the plugin
How to Use 📝
Visual Studio Code
Open a workspace
Type "GPT"
Select GPT Automate Prompt
Type your prompt
Press Enter
Open a workspace
Type :GPTAutomatePrompt
Type your prompt
Press Enter
While it may be able to deliver on bad prompts, it's generally recommended to stick with good prompt conventions to get more reliable results.
How to write Good Prompts
✅ Be Specific
✅ Tell it what files to make
✅ Tell it if you want to run it afterwards or not
✅ Tell it what language(s) to use
Good Prompts:
✅ Make a nodejs program in JavaScript that says babbur 1,000 times and run it
✅ Make a website in HTML with a few buttons on it that when clicked alert babbur
✅ Make a file called main.py, write a program in Python that says babbur 1,000 times, and run it
✅ Make a file called main.js, write a program in JavaScript that says babbur 1,000 times, and run it
✅ Delete all files in my workspace besides 'index.js' and 'main.js' and make a file called 'index.js' that says babbur 1,000 times and run it