Install this extension from VSCode Marketplace
(or by entering ext install eSignal.script-debugger at the command palette Ctrl+P).
Open the folder containing the EFS in VS Code
To enable autocomplete suggestions download eSignal Types (open command palette Ctrl + Shift + P and select “eSignal: Download EFS Types”).
Note: if the types were not activated, add the following reference to your EFS file:
/// <reference path="eSignalTypes/types.d.ts"/>
Create launch configurations by going into Debug section (Ctrl + Shift + D) and either select Add Configuration from the drop-down or press Configure or Fix “launch.json” button.
Make sure that eSignal is running and you have at least one chart on a page
Click on Start Debugging in the Debug tab in VS Code
Select chart if needed
Extension by default creates the following configuration:
request: launch – currently only launch mode is supported, which means that VS Code extension will create a new copy of a script on the chart each time the debug session is run. After session is completed the script will be removed from the chart. Alternatively, the attach mode can be used, which will attach the debugger to an already running script on the chart. In this mode the script will not be removed from the chart on session finish. Attach mode will be added in the future.
name: “EFS: start current” – name to be displayed in VS Code debug tab drop-down.
scriptNames: array of scriptNames – scripts that should be launched. Multiple scripts can be specified and all of them will be applied to the chart on debug session start. "${file}" placeholder can be used to debug the currently opened EFS. Note that EFS opened for view only will not be launched.