Inspired by this post by André Staltz, here is a vscode extension that allows you to treat your editor more like a presentation tool.
This extension looks for files that start with numbers to that it can determine an order to your presentation. For example, here is a presentation with 3 slides:
├── 2.png
└── 3.js
To start a presentation type present into the command palette (⌘+SHIFT+P). This will take a little while to load as it searches your open project for files matching the above pattern and orders the slides 😢
Once everything is loaded you can navigate the next and previous slides with CTRL+SHIFT+⌘ and the arrow key for the direction you which to go.
Note: If you go past the end of the slides the presentation mode is automatically ended. You can manually canel the presentation by running the End Presentation command or clicking cancel on the progress notification.
Adding a slide
Extension Settings
presentationMode.colorTheme: The color theme to use when presenting
Editor Settings
presentationMode.editor.fontSize: The size of the editor font when presenting
presentationMode.editor.fontWeight: The weight of the editor font when presenting
presentationMode.editor.fontFamily: The family of the font for the editor when presenting
Terminal Settings
presentationMode.terminal.fontSize: The size of the terminal font when presenting
presentationMode.terminal.fontWeight: The weight of the terminal font when presenting
presentationMode.terminal.fontFamily: The family of the font for the terminal when presenting