EliteScript is the Elite Robots scripting language, like any other programming language, EliteScript has variables, types, control flow statements, functions, etc. Additionally, EliteScript has many built-in variables and functions to monitor and control robot input/output and motion.
Syntax highlighting
Code completion.
Hover prompt.
Switch language command. (Chinese and English provide)
This extension NOT INCLUDE following feature:
Compiler, syntax check, debug, running. You should upload program to controller or simulator for compile and execute.
Formatting, go to definition, completion and signatures. But support soon.
Install Visual Studio Code Extension Manager:npm install -g vsce。
Install the tools needed during the compilation of this extensions: npm install。
If you have modified the file in the '.\syntaxes\src\ 'directory, you need to execute it: ./node_modules/.bin/syntaxdev build-plist --in ./syntaxes/src/elitescript.tmLanguage.yaml --out ./syntaxes/elitescript.tmLanguage 。
Compile: vsce package。
Open VSCode and Run the command Extensions: Install from VSIX..., choose the vsix file generated in the previous step