AI Studio
Code It:Write a use case where you want to write the code, select the statement (if it's a single line just click on the line), right-click, and click "AI Studio / Code It". Prints the result after a short time: Add Comments:Select the lines of code you want to comment on, right-click, and click "AI Studio / Add Comments". Returns the selected code with detailed comments. Refactor:Select the whole method, right-click, and click "AI Studio / Refactor". The refactored result: Add Summary:Select the whole method or just the first line of the method, right-click, and click "AI Studio / Add Summary". Gives a very detailed and logical result: Explain:Select the lines of code you want to explain, right-click, and click "AI Studio / Explain". Shows a popup that includes explanations of the selected code: Customizable Commands
Then trigger the command again, and you will see the results affected by your comments: Add Unit Tests:Select the whole method, right-click, and click "AI Studio / Add Unit Tests". Prints the unit test(s) based on your choices: You can also customize the unit tests on Tools/Options/AI Studio/Unit Test
Security Check:Select the code line(s), right-click, and click "AI Studio / Security Check". Gives some information and suggestions: |