if (cppcheck configure is null) {
use builtin binaries
} else {
if( ("path to executable" --version).trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("cppcheck") ){
use "path to executable"
} else {
use builtin binaries
Some addons need extra arguments. You can configure json or json file.
"script": "misra.py",
"args": [
"--rule-texts=/home/user/misra.txt" (need absolute path, and use "/" or "\\" to split paths)
If ${workspace folder} is included, it will be replaced.
"args": ["--rule-texts=${workspaceFolder}/rule/misra.txt"] -> "args":["--rule-texts=D:/code/demo/rule/misra.txt"]}
if (cpplint configure is null) {
use builtin binaries
} else {
if("path to executable"){
use "path to executable"
} else {
use builtin binaries
if ( cpplint version support "--recursive") {
set --recursive true
} else {
set "--recursive" false
set "--lintdir"
If the configuration parameters cannot be satisfied, use custom configuration "--customargs="