CF-minihelperPlugin gives user a possibility to quickly create soultion files (with your own template) to all problems from Codeforces round by its ID. FeaturesAfter installing you will have 2 commands: 1) CF-HELPER: START-CONTESTAsks user an ID of contest and asks for path to template file (if there is no already existing path). And creates new folder solutions, and cpp files for every task in contest/round (i.e If there are 5 tasks A-E there will be files: A.cpp, B.cpp, etc. already containing specified template) 2) CF-HELPER: SET-NEW-TEMPLATEBy this command you can specify (or change already existing) path to template file. Example of using
Commit History
CredentialsArsenii Vlasov M3101 ITMO lab. |