vscode-miniprettierA minimalist zero config plugin for running Prettier in VSCode. It was inspired by my own plugin for Atom.
If you need those features, it's recommended to use the great prettier-vscode. InstallationJust install through VSCode extensions, searching for "Prettier - Minimalist plugin". Which Prettier it usesThe extension will follow this order to find which Prettier version to use:
Prettier optionsIf Prettier is installed in the workspace folder, the extension will use the options from the config file, via If Prettier is not installed (so it uses a globally installed version, or the bundled version), the extension won't try to find a config file and will fallback to the extensions settings. These options can be configured with the
(see Prettier's available options) This extensions won't try to guess which CreditsThanks to @t9md for inspiration in mprettier. License |