rest-lens READMEAn advanced VS Code extension that calls HTTP endpoint when text matches a regular expression and displays the result as code lenses. FeaturesEasily build programmable code lenses using just a simple JSON endpoint. Given the VS Code settings:
…and an endpoint (example here implemented with Node.js):
This will display GitHub Issue and Pull Request titles as code lenses. Extension SettingsThis extension contributes the following settings:
OverridingIf two REST code lens providers match at the same position, the shorter provider ID will override the longer provider ID iff the shorter one is a prefix of the longer one. For example, if providers HTTP Endpoint SpecificationRequestThe extension will make a GET request to the specified URL with the RegExp match as GET query parameter named
ResponseIt should return a JSON object with the following properties:
The response will be cached throughout the session until the "Clear response cache" command is invoked. |