This extension is designed to help competitive programmers and developers practice and solve LeetCode problems directly within Visual Studio Code. It supports C++ and Python, allowing users to fetch problem statements, test cases, and run their solutions locally. The extension provides a seamless workflow for debugging and verifying solutions against expected outputs.
Fetch Problem Statement and Test Cases:
Users can fetch problem statements and test cases directly from LeetCode by providing the problem URL.
The extension uses LeetCode's GraphQL API to extract and store test cases locally.
Write and Test Code:
Users can write their solutions in C++ or Python.
The extension allows users to run their code against the fetched test cases to verify correctness.
View Results:
The extension compares the actual output of the user's code with the expected output for each test case.
Discrepancies are highlighted to assist with debugging.
Fetch Test Cases:
Run the command CPH: Fetch Test Cases.
Input the LeetCode problem URL.
The extension extracts and stores the test cases locally.
Write and Test Code:
Write your solution in the editor.
Run the command CPH: Run Test Cases to test your solution locally.
View Results:
The extension displays a comparison of actual vs expected outputs.
Debug discrepancies directly in the editor.
Project Structure
The project is organized as follows:
├── # Changelog for the extension
├── eslint.config.mjs # ESLint configuration
├── package.json # NPM package configuration
├── package-lock.json # Lock file for dependencies
├── # This file
├── src # Source code directory
│ ├── commands # Command handlers
│ │ ├── fetchTestCases.ts # Handles fetching test cases
│ │ └── runTestCases.ts # Handles running test cases (currently empty)
│ ├── extension.ts # Entry point for the extension
│ ├── services # Service layer for core functionality
│ │ ├── codeExecutor.ts # Handles code execution (currently empty)
│ │ ├── fileHandler.ts # Handles file operations
│ │ ├── leetCodeScraper.ts # Handles scraping LeetCode data
│ ├── test # Test files
│ │ └── extension.test.ts # Unit tests for the extension
│ └── ui # User interface components
│ ├── layoutManager.ts # Manages UI layout
│ └── webView.ts # Handles webview rendering
├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
└── # Quickstart guide for VSCode extensions