This is a Visual Studio Code extension for standardSQL, which is a SQL dialect supported by BigQuery.
The language server itself is also available by other editors.
Complete table names (when quoted by ` ), column names (in SELECT statement) and functions
Run gcloud auth logingcloud auth application-default login
Install sqlite3
Install this extension from VSCode
Open a file ( or xxx.bigquery)
Update cache (see the usage section)
Update Cache
The first thing you should do after installation is to update cache.
Run BQExtensionVSCode: Update Cache from command palette
and the information about datasets and tables will be stored in local directory (~/.bq_extension_vscode/).
In this process, this extension runs several queries against INFROMATIN_SCHEMA.
Note that datasets which does not appear in your query will be ignored to reduce cost.
Advanced Settings
file extensions
This extension assumes that the file name is or xxx.bigquery.
If you are editting a file named xxx.sql, you have to map *.sql to bigquery this way.