Droaemon README
Fork 自 https://github.com/KMK-ONLINE/vscode-robotExtension
- Document Formatter
- it automatically format the document for readability purpose
- Keyword Autocomplete
- it scans all the included resources and search for its keywords
- it will suggest common keywords from BuiltIn, Selenium2Library, ExtendedSelenium2Library, and more
- Variable Autocomplete
- it scans all the included resources and search for its global variables
- it scans all variables from local files
- Find All References
- Show all references of keywords
- Show all references of global variables
- Keyword Definition
- Show the original keyword location
- ctrl + click to the keyword will bring you to the original keyword location
- Variable Definition
- Show the original global and suite variable location
- ctrl + click to the variable will bring you to the original variable location
- Keyword Rename
- can rename keyword and all its reference
- Variable Rename
- can rename global variable and all its reference
- Variable Hover
- Hovering your mouse on global variable will give you the information about its initialization value
- Keyword Hover
- Hovering your mouse on keyword will give you the information about its Arguments and Return Value
You can create default configuration for your workspace by creating config.json inside your workspace root folder:
- Default Keyword Autocomplete Library
- You can set default autocomplete keyword from library you want across all your files in the workspace
"lib":["AppiumLibrary", "Process", ...] //it must be in array
You need to have robotframework language support for visual studio code if you want text highlighter
Known Issues
Little performance issues when scanning when handle more than 300++ files whith complex structure in workspace
For Contributors
- You can added new suggestion library with its keywords at src/dictionary/KeywordDictionary.ts with format:
export var LIB =
//your new library is here
name: "libraryName", //name must be correct
key: [ "keyword1", "keyword2" ]
- Don't forget to add definition if you add new method, function, class or anything new:
* this is class for something
export class MyClass{
* This is method to do something
* @param args arguments of something
* @return something
public myMethod(args) : any {
return 0;
- Don't forget to update the version on "package.json" and add changelog on "CHANGELOG.md" if you made some changes:
"name": "robotf-souche-extension",
"displayName": "Souche Droaemon Extension",
"description": "Extension for robot framework",
"version": "2.0.2", //update this version
"publisher": "yokey",
Release Notes