Packages such plotly, tfjs-vis & danfo.js support rich visualization only in the browser,
however, this extension leverages the power of Notebooks to provide the same rich visualizations when targeting node.js.
Use the command Open a sample node.js notebook to open a sample notebook to get started with plotly.js, danfo.js, tensorflow.js, etc.
Getting started
For a REPL experience use the command Open Node.js REPL
Consider installing the Jupyter extension for an enhance user interface (toolbars).
For a notebook experience, create a file with the extension *.nnb, e.g. sample.nnb
Or use the menu item New File... to create a Node.js notebook
Use the command Open a sample node.js notebook to open a sample notebook.
Use the command Welcome: Open Walkthrough... to checkout the samples.
node.js >= 12
node.js needs to be in the current path
Open a plain js/ts file as a notebook & vice versa.
Better renderers for tabular data (arquero, danfo.js, etc)