List Files
Provides a list of files in your workspace that can be filtered and selected.
How to install
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Open
View -> Command Palette... and type ext install listFiles
- Restart Visual Studio Code and select the command "
Files: List Files to Open
From the list of files displayed, select a file to open.
"command": "extension.listFilesToOpen",
"key": "ctrl+alt+l",
"mac": "ctrl+alt+l"
You can configure the settings, to display a specific types of files and folders, or exclude specific files and folders.
Similarly you could configure the number of files displayed.
"properties": {
"findFiles.fileIncludeGlob": {
"type": "string",
"default": "**",
"description": "A glob pattern that defines the files to search for."
"findFiles.fileExcludeGlob": {
"type": "string",
"default": "**\\node_modules\\**",
"description": "A glob pattern that defines files and folders to exclude."
"findFiles.maxResults": {
"type": "number",
"default": 1000,
"description": "An upper-bound for the result."
Change Log
Version 0.0.3
Updated chanage log
Version 0.0.2
Fixed default setting for findFiles.fileExcludeGlob, to exclude node_modules directory.