Markdown Link Checker
:exclamation: There are no plans to continue to evolve this extension.
Consider moving
to VSCode embedded link validation
for local link validation
and to blackmist.LinkCheckMD
for external link validation.
- http/https link validation
- basic/bearer authorization support
- local files link validation
- heading link validation support (including cross-document links)
- live recheck of cross-document links support when linked document changes in the editor
- quick fixes for wrong heading links
- reference links:
- validation
- renaming
- inline link extraction as a reference link (through inline link address renaming)
- live recheck support when document changes in the editor
- caching of link check results (configurable, 5 min by default)
Useful commands:
Markdown Link Checker: Recheck current document (Alt+L ) - resets caches for current document and rechecks all the links.
Markdown Link Checker: Recheck opened documents (Shift+Alt+L ) - resets caches for all opened documents and rechecks all the links.
Markdown Link Checker: Manage host credentials - allows to forget saved authorization credentials.
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