The extension can quickly convert a hex string as a Unicode code point to the corresponding character, or convert a character to its Unicode code point in hex string.
Press Alt + X in the editor, the extension will converts the content before the caret (the text cursor):
If the content immediately before the caret is a hex string of at least four digits, the extension will get the maximum valid hex value (0000 ~ 10ffff, case-insensitive), and converts it to a character, like:
0025 → % 9999 → 香
Otherwise, the extension will convert the one character immediately before the caret to a hex string, like:
If the caret is at the beginning of a line, or if there is a selection in the editor, the extension will do nothing.
This shortcut key is a very old feature in Word and WordPad. It's very useful for me, so I ported this feature to VS Code.
They are slightly different though: Word and WordPad don't need the hex string to be at least four digits, but they cannot convert the hexes 0 ~ 1f to characters even with leading zeros.
The extension doesn't have a home page yet, so you can send issues to my email: