Supports developers where a complex domain or project specific language is in use by surfacing definitions everywhere specific words are used - code, comments, config or documentation.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
Contextive is a Visual Studio Code extension to assist developers in environments with a complex domain or project specific language, where words have a special meaning in the context of the project.
It should help new team members get up to speed more quickly in understanding domain-specific terms. By storing the glossary in your repository, and surfacing the definitions as you work on the code, it encourages the use of the domain-specific terms in your code, and regularly updating the definitions as the team's understanding evolves.
Support for multiple contexts in separate repositories
Better support for key word identification in different languages (e.g. different syntax delimiters)
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
contextive.path: The path of the file that stores the Contextive glossary. Default: .contextive/definitions.yml
Known Issues
The extension only activates on the presence of the .contextive folder in the workspace. If the contextive.path setting has been updated, the .contextive folder may not exist. (The extension will also activate on use of the Contextive: Initialize Glossary File command.)