Shows a Test Explorer in the Test view in VS Code's sidebar with all detected tests and suites and their state
Shows a failed test's log when the test is selected in the explorer
Forwards the console output from the test executable to a VS Code output channel
Getting started
Install the extension
Open the Test view
Run your tests using the icon in the Test Explorer
Location of the CMake build directory. Can be absolute or relative to the workspace. Defaults to empty, i.e. the workspace directory.
Name of the CMake build configuration. Can be set to any standard or custom configuration name (e.g. Default, Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel ). Case-insensitive. Defaults to empty, i.e. no specific configuration.
Integrate with the CMake extension (ms-vscode.cmake-tools) to provide contextual variables such as ${buildType} for use in other settings listed here.
Extra command-line arguments passed to CTest at load time. For example, -R foo will only load the tests containing the string foo. Defaults to empty.
Extra command-line arguments passed to CTest at run time. For example, -V will enable verbose output from tests. Defaults to empty.