Multi-language simple spellcheckerThis spellchecker is based on hunspell core rewritten library using npm module "nspell". It supports Multi-Language via .dic and .aff files. It checks WORD by WORD and ignores all symbols and punctuation. FeaturesSimple on/off switchSimple suggestionsMulti-Language SupportCamel-case SupportAdding word to Language Mode (typescript,javascript,c++,...) so language specified keywords are not marked as wrong spelled words ExampleAdding word to current dictionarySupported LanguagesPre-installed:
Extension SettingsAdding new languageAdditional dictionaries can be downloaded here, but you can use any ".dic" and ".aff" files based dictionary downloaded somewhere else. Download both <YOUR_LANG>.dic and <YOUR_LANG>.aff files and place them into: C:\Users<YOURNAME>.vscode\extensions\denisgerguri.hunspell-spellchecker\languages\ Then open a settings.json file: C:\Users<YOURNAME>.vscode\extensions\denisgerguri.hunspell-spellchecker\settings\settings.json and insert new language. How-toManually editing document type ignored words (C++,Javascript,LaTEX)For each document type a text file is created in C:\Users<YOURNAME>.vscode\extensions\denisgerguri.hunspell-spellchecker\settings\ If there is no document created for type that you need just open a new document of that type in VS Code and it is going to be automatically created. All you have to do is write all the words that you want to ignore in here. One word per line. ExampleJavascript ignored words break case catch continue default delete do else finally for function if in instanceof new return switch this throw try typeof var void while with abstract boolean byte char class const debugger double enum export extends final float goto int interface implements import long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile Release Notes1.0.0Initial release of spellchecker Enjoy! |