DenigmaAI that reads and explains complex code naturally, like a human Denigma explains code in conversational English. Powered by machine learning. FeaturesSelect a file or a code snippet in the editor, right-click and choose "Explain (Denigma)". Explain fileYou can also select code then click "Ctrl+Alt+E". Explain blockStatus barBoth "Explain block" and "Explain file" could be run from the status bar.If you select something and press the status bar button, an explanation for that selection will be displayed.If no block is selected, the whole file will be explained. Multi-line explanationsYou can enable/disable multi-line explanations from extension settings. SetupCtrl+Shift+P and select "Enter API key (Denigma)" command and then paste the API key from the Denigma website (Explain page). |