This Visual Studio Code extension allows users to adjust the heading level of the selected text. It provides three commands: increase heading level, decrease heading level, and set heading level.
Install the extension from the Visual Studio Code marketplace.
Select the text you want to adjust the heading level for.
Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS) and search for one of the following commands:
extension.increaseHeadingLevel: Increase the heading level of the selected text.
extension.decreaseHeadingLevel: Decrease the heading level of the selected text.
extension.setHeadingLevel: Set the heading level of the selected text to a specific level.
Development Guide
Clone the repository and open the project in Visual Studio Code.
Run npm install to install the required dependencies.
Open the .vscode/launch.json file and ensure the following configurations are present:
An "extensionHost" launch task.
The "args" array contains "--disable-extensions".
The "preLaunchTask" is set to "npm: compile".
To run the extension in development mode, press F5 or select "Start Debugging" from the Run menu.
To run the tests, open the command palette and search for "Tasks: Run Test Task", then select "npm: test".