Hotkeys are intended to support quick jumping over big chunks of code.
There is many ways how you can jump between lines.
F3 / Shift + F3 - is swiss knife in many situations, see "Context-dependency" section
Ctrl + [ / Ctrl + ] - jumps between occurences of text under cursor
Ctrl + Shift + [ / Ctrl + Shift + ] - similar to previous, but adds occurence to current selection. It uses multi-cursors and allows to quickly manage copy-pasted code
Alt + ; / Alt + ' - jumps between found problems in file
Ctrl + ; / Ctrl + ' - demands alefragnani.bookmarks extension and allows to jump between bookmarks in the same file
And always remember default F1 key which is the quickest way to get into command palette, which is also a file finder!
Same F3/Shift + F3 behaves differently in diffirent cases.
If in diff or in simple editor and have no selection or search widget, they jump between changes
If there is selection, they jump between occurences of selected text
If there is search widget, they jump between searched string